This chapter includes slides about (click on the „G“ to view the glossary entry):
- Basic knowledge required for the understanding of bioanalytical methods (detergents (G) and the formation of detergent micelles & critical micellar concentration (G) (CMC), isoelectric point)
- Electrophoresis (Northern Blot (G)/ Southern Blot (G)/ Western Blot (G), SDS Page (G) and Native Page (G), Isoelectric focussing (G), 2D Electrophoresis (G))
- Immunoassays like ELISA (=enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay), FACS (=fluorescence activated cell sorting), FRET (=fluorescence resonance energy transfer), Dot Blot, etc.
- Videos about electrophoretic methods and immunoassays
Need some refreshment? No problem! Watch these videos and get your basic knowledge straight in no time.
- DNA replication, RNA transcription, translation
- Post-translational modifications
- Introduction to proteins
- Introduction to antibodies, function of antibodies, monoclonal antibodies
Got it? All right, let’s get started:
Watch some more videos to go into more detail:
Western blotting provided by GE Healthcare Life Sciences:
ELISA provided by openmichigan:
Dot blot provided by Abnova: